Friday 28 September 2012

Initial Research

Canadian Student

The masthead font is sans serif, this connotes a serious feeling and represents the importance of studying. However this is contrasted by the hat that sits ontop of the 'C', this gives a more playful feeling and shows that student life can be fun. 
The smiling students connotes happiness and fun, showing that studying isn't stressful and that they are all happy. This image is the sell of the magazine and therefore must be attractive as it is designed to encourage students to buy the magazine. 
The coverlines are simple yet in contrasting colours to the background. This is so that they stand out as they give the reader an idea of what is included in this magazine. 
There are no reversed out coverlines or screamers. This might be to give the magazine a more professional feel.

Campus Life

The masthead is hidden behind the model, this gives off an air of confidence as the magazine doesn't need to show the whole name to get people to know what it is. The font is bold which also gives off an air of confidence. This appeals to the audience as being confident. The sideways angle of the word 'life' could be seen as quirky or original, which appeals to a person's desire to be noticed. 
There is a freebie which adds value to the purchase making people think that they are getting more for their money. This makes them more likely to buy it.
There is one reversed out coverline, this makes it stand out and draws the reader's attention to the magazine. Which could make them more likely to buy it.
The model is in quite a serious pose. This appeals to the audience as he seems allusive and cool. His clothes are quite stylish adding to this idea of coolness.  

Both magazines have mastheads that are in a bold and clear font, yet with a playful quirk to them. This is to make the magazines seem fun but not childish. I shall apply idea when I come to creating my own masthead. I will use contrasting colours for my coverlines so that they stand out from the background as both magazines have done this. 

Thursday 27 September 2012

Magazine Research

I have searched online for college magazine and these are some examples that I found. I pick three magazines and look at some of the conventions that they use and see if they have any features in common. I shall then use this as guide for my own front cover.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Preliminary Task

The first task that we have to complete is a preliminary task. Using DTP and an image malipulation program we must create the front page of a new college magazine. The cover must feature a photograph of a student in medium close-up, some appropriately laid-out text and a masterhead. We must also create a mock-up of the layout of a contents page for this magazine. 


Hello, my name is Eirinn Quinnell, I currently attend Worcester Sixth Form College. This blog is part of my coursework for AS Media Studies. Here you will find all of the planning, research and tasks that I have completed.