Thursday 22 November 2012

My Front Cover Evolution

Here are the covers that I have made while finalising my cover.


Saturday 17 November 2012

Moving On To Contents Page

I have now finished my front cover, which is on target time wise, however I have decided to start on my contents page first instead of my double page spread because I anticipate that my double page spread will take longer. I hope to get my contents page done using my photoshop at home after college so that I will have more time on InDesign in college to do my double page spread as I do not have this program at home.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Another Change Of Front Cover Picture

After opening the image in photoshop I have discovered that the shot is a little blurry, so I will use this one instead.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Change Of Front Cover Image

After speaking with my teacher I have decided to change the front cover image of my magazine because the new image better fits the conventions of a rock magazine. After looking at various front covers of music magazines I have found that most of them are indoor shots or shots with a blank coloured background. So I will use this for my front cover and save my other images for my double page spread. This will be my new front cover image:

I also felt that my other front cover draft turned out looking more like a movie poster than a magazine front cover.

Friday 9 November 2012

Mock Front Cover

I have drafted up a front cover and posted it on to facebook in order to get feedback. 

Thursday 8 November 2012

Cover Image Feedback

I placed this image on facebook to see what my audience thought about it. Here is one of the comments that I received. "i like it but i think it's a bit too zoomed in - somewhere between this zoom and the original zoom would be better in my opinion  outdoor's good and the editing's cool "

I have decided to zoom the image out but keep the same sort of editing with the darker background. I will then see if the writing fits over the top of the image nicely, if that doesn't work I shall try making a cover with an indoor shot instead.

Wednesday 7 November 2012


I have drawn some rough sketches for my cover, contents and double page spread. I've posted them on facebook to get feedback on them. I will then base my designs on the favourites.

My Front Cover Image

After putting some photos on facebook for my focus group to look at, they have voted for this image. I will now work on editing it so that the background is darker so it fits in with the genre better, and so that it's less busy so my coverlines stand out.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Magazine Name

After holding a poll on facebook I have decided to call my magazine 'Siren'. 
Siren is a good name because it has many connotations which relate to the genre and audience of my magazine. In mythology Sirens were beautiful women who were also dangerous and devious when they lured sailors to their deaths. This appeals to my audience as they are female and like to look good but at the same time dangerous and rebellious, and challenge traditionalist ideas. The word Siren also connotes noise, this represents the music genre of my magazine, that the music featured inside the magazine is 'loud' and 'unrelenting'.


Today I took my photos for my front cover. The woodland shots are for my front cover. I have put the best quality photos on facebook for my audience to comment on. 

Here is a selection of images for my double page spread. 

Masthead Fonts

Today I posted on my facebook group an image of 11 different fonts and asked my focus group to give me some feedback on the fonts for the masthead.

Monday 5 November 2012

Times So Far

I am on target for my times so far. I just need to draw some flat plans which I shall do this week and put them on facebook for my focus group to vote on. I also need to come up with a name for my magazine. My photo-shoot is defiantly happening tomorrow morning. I have taken the photos of my sister and her university friend over last weekend when I went up to visit her.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Risk Assesment