Tuesday 11 December 2012

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Although the genre of my magazine is ‘heavy female rock’ and my audience are non-conformist, radicalists I have decided that a mainstream distributer would be more appropriate as my audience don’t have that much disposable income, they’re more likely to buy the magazine from an accessible store than a upmarket boutique.
My magazine is similar Kerrang magazine which is distributed by frontline, a mainstream company, despite it being recognised as a somewhat ‘alternative’ magazine. Kerrang is available from most major retailers such as Tescos and HMV, so my magazine will be to as my audience may not have the means to travel far to purchase the magazine, but it will also be available at alternative clothes shops, as my audience will also shop there when they have the money.

Vice magazine is an independently distributed magazine and aimed at a very non-conformist audience. Although my audience is also non-conformist it wouldn’t be appropriate to distribute my magazine in the way that Vice does. Vice’s audience is slightly older than mine and have more income since 79% have university degrees. They are also higher on the Jicnar scale than my audience is. Therefore they can afford to travel to get an exclusive copy from high end shops, my audience is more likely to shop on the highstreet therefore my magazine needs to be available on the highstreet.

Like Kerrang magazine, my magazine will have a multi-platform strategy. It would have its own website were my audience can read exclusive articles and find out tour dates for their favourite artist. My website also includes an online shop where my audience can buy things such as concert tickets which would be hard to come by elsewhere. It will also have information about the latest magazine so that my audience can use this to help them decide whether they want to purchase the issue. As my audience don’t have that much money they may not want to buy the magazine if it has nothing that they want to read about in it. There would also be a radio station as my audience may find it difficult to listen to the music that they like on other radio stations and it can also help them find new songs to listen to.

This strategy for distributing my magazine will make a positive impact on my magazine profits. As my magazine will be widely spread the charge for advertising would be higher as it reaches a large audience. There would also be money made in advertising both on the website through banners and side advertisements as well as on the radio. Profit can also be made by charging record labels a small fee to sell their tour tickets through the Siren website. 

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