Wednesday 19 December 2012

Evaluation Question 7

Please listen to this podcast of my answer to question 7. Below is a transcript with images for you to look at while listening.

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When you look at my two magazines side by side you can clearly see that one looks more professional and well made than the other. I think the areas that I have improved the most in since my preliminary task are use of colours, Time Management and product development.

In my planning for my preliminary task I only made 7 blog post whereas for my main task I made over twenty. My main task posts weren't just better because I had more of them; they were also better quality. They were shorter and more concise making it easy to track my progression in the production. In my preliminary task I didn't think much about timings, making it hard to set myself deadlines. In my main task however, I made a detailed time plan that I stuck to, thus making it easier to keep control of what I was doing and when.

My photography skills have improved since the preliminary task. As you can see, I only used one pose and location for my preliminary task, this meant that I didn't have a lot of choice when it came to selecting a cover image. I kept  this in mind when it came to taking photos  for my main task and ended up taking over 100 hundred photos, which when narrowed down to usable good quality photos, came to 25 different shot types to chose from. This helped as I had a lot of trouble choosing an appropriate cover image, without the variety of photos I would have had to my photoshoot again and waste valuable production time.

In my preliminary task I used only the magnetic lasso and shape 
tools to create my cover. This made my cover looked washed out and a bit boring. Whereas on my main cover the colours stand out more. The same can be said for my contents page. Also on my preliminary magazine, there are mistakes that you wouldn't find on a professional magazine, such as bit of background left over on the image. I however learnt from these mistakes and made sure not to make them again. 

Using InDesign in my preliminary task was a great help, as without experience I would have struggled when it came to my main task. I was glad to have a practice run where I could learn the basics and then develop my knowledge on features such as the text warp in time for my main task.

Overall I have found that my main task required more attention to detail than my preliminary task. However I think that I have managed to produce a professional magazine that attracts it’s audience well. And I feel that achieved the targets that I set my self at the end of the preliminary task. 

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