Saturday 15 December 2012

Evaluation Questions 4 & 5

I feel that I was mostly successful in attracting my audience. As when I showed it to members of my target audience I received a lot of preferred readings. For instance on my front cover my audience was drawn in by the simplicity of the design as they felt it was less cluttered then most other magazines. My audience also liked the title ‘Siren’ as it connoted both power and beauty which is how my audience see themselves. The use of colour through the magazine was successful as the black, red and white made the magazine recognizable as a rock magazine, and the purple then narrowed the genre down even further to female rock. So my audience felt it was clear who the magazine was targeted at. I made my models look strong and confident and my audience appreciated this. As they said that they looked powerful instead of superficial and objectified. Something that they didn’t like in other magazines.

However I also received some aberrant and negotiated readings; mostly concerned with my fonts. As my audience felt that they styles of fonts could have been more consistent, however I was trying to show the variety in rock music through my fonts and not make it all look the same. However one member of my audience liked all the fonts used but she thought that one or two fonts could have been used more so that they didn’t stand out so much as looking ‘odd’.

The majority of my audience liked what I had done with my magazine, and they thought it was successful as a rock magazine. There were only a few criticisms. This means that I have been successful in attracting and addressing my audience, and I have created a magazine which suits it’s genre.

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