Wednesday 31 October 2012

Possible Locations

Today I went out and photographed some locations for the front cover of my magazine. I have posted these pictures onto my facebook page for people to vote on.
The pictures for my double page spread and contents page will be taken inside against a white wall so that I can add effects to them.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Audience Profile

The audience of my magazine are girls aged 19-24 who are radicalists and non-conformists. As my audience are young adults and most likely students or shop workers, they would rank in the C2/D/E categories on the jicnar scale. They are all about living in the now and living life for fun, they care little about money or careers, music is the most important thing for them.

My readers love shopping at alternative clothing stores such as Blue Banana and Four Leaf. They wouldn't be seen dead in New Look or Topshop! Skinny Jeans are a must, and they are often seen in their favourite bands merchindise, showing their support.

Cast Meeting

I held a cast meeting today (30/10/12). I held it on facebook chat so that my models wouldn't have to worry about travelling.
I asked my models to send me images of sutiable clothes through email. After looking through the clothes I have decided that it won't be necessary for us to buy more clothes. Here are some images of the clothes:

Saturday 27 October 2012

Focus Group Findings


Focus Group Findings
From my focus group on facebook I have decided the following things:

 I will not cover up the masthead of my magazine with an image, as my audience said they didn’t like it when Decibel covered their masthead up.
 I will however use a serious pose like on decibel’s front cover as my audience said it was ‘striking’ and attention grabbing. 
Most of my audience preferred the busier look of kerrangs front cover. However they were more split views about this feature. I will try to make my magazine cover busier than decibels but not as cluttered as kerrang.

Thursday 25 October 2012

My Time Plan On Time Toast

I made a copy of my time plan on TimeToast so that it is more interactive and I can see everything on one screen.

Facebook & Tumblr

Yesterday I created a facebook group to help me with my audience profiling. I have added people who like the type of music that I do. This will help me plan what to include in my magazine front cover. I have already posted two images of front covers of Decibel and Kerrang magazine in order to get feedback about what they like and dislike about the covers.

Today I shall go on tumblr and use the tags search to look at posts that include bands from my genre. This will help me locate blogs created by people who like the genre of music featured in the magazine so that I can see what else they like.  

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Casting & Shot Plan

I chose my models for my photo shoot yesterday. I have decided to use two models for my front cover and double page spread. 

The first model I have chosen is Elizabeth as I used her in my Preliminary task and she proved very willing and reliable. She also has hair that is easy to style which makes it easy to fit her look to the genre. She has agreed to take part in the photoshoot. 

The second model I have chosen is Adele. She already has clothes that suit the genre and is very reliable. Both her and Elizabeth will be on the front cover and the double page spread. She has agreed to take part in the photo-shoot.

The other model I will use is my sister Caitlin. She will appear as a thumbnail sized picture on the front cover and in the contents page, as another act featured in the magazine. She fits into my clothes which suit the genre. Caitlin has agreed to the photo-shoot. My sister has also asked her university friend, Kirsty, to take part in the photoshoot, and she has agreed.

My Shot List
Shot 1
Lizzi and Adele against a background of trees with arms folded or hands on hips looking directly at the camera.
Shot 2
Medium Close ups and Close ups of Adele and Lizzi against white backgrounds at my house.
Shot 3
Solo shots of Lizzi and Adele against white backgrounds
Shot 4
Medium close up of Caitlin against a white background with her hands on her hips.
Shot 5
Medium Close up of Kirsty against a blank background.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Time Plan

I created my Time Plan in Microsoft Outlook so that I can access it on any computer by logging into the college gateway and then into the web-mail service.

Monday 22 October 2012

Detailed Research into Forms and Conventions

Detailed Research into Forms and Conventions

The genre I have chosen for my magazine is Female Rock. The main focus is heavy music such as Halestorm and Nightwish, but the magazine will also include some alt rock bands such as Paramore and We Are The In Crowd. My target audience is going to females in the 16-25 age bracket.  In order to research the forms and conventions that I would need to include in this genre I have looked at the magazines Decibel and Kerrang. Decibel is a monthly heavy metal magazine from America; it focuses on extreme metal and is aimed primarily at men.  I analysed an issue that had women on the front to see how they were represented in male magazine. The style of music featured in Decibel is the kind of music I want to focus on, only using female bands instead.  Kerrang magazine features a broader spectrum of rock music and has more female readers. I looked at this magazine because it had a younger feel to it and also attracted more female readers than Decibel magazine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Decibel Magazine
The masthead font is sans serif, bold and thick. This echoes the no nonsense image of the women. This style of font attracts the male audience as it connotes being muscular and strong, something a lot of men want in their lives. As it is a dominant ideology that men should be fit and healthy. However the font colour is quite light, this connotes a softer side of masculinity, and perhaps they have chosen that colour to tie in with the women on the front cover. The same goes for the coverlines which are also in light colours. However, with the darker background the lightness of the font means the coverlines stand out more.

This magazine represents women as strong and powerful. The woman at the front of the photo is wearing a red leather jacket. The connotations of the colour red can be danger, the devil, passion or love. The colour is anchored down by the woman’s stance. She is standing with her legs apart looking down at the camera; this connotes masculinity and power as she is not afraid to stand out. This stance mixed with red of her jacket gives the impression of danger and that she is a woman you wouldn’t want to mess with.

This appeals to the male audience of the magazine as the type of man who listens to heavy metal wouldn’t want a woman who dresses in pink skirts.

The people featured in the photos inside this magazine always have serious stances. They look straight at the camera which is often placed below them to make them seem taller. This attracts the audience as it makes them seem powerful and ‘badass’.

The layout of the front cover stays constant throughout each issue; this is because the style of music the magazine writes about remains the same through each issue. In mainstream music magazines the style of music tends to vary more.

The spread inside this magazine has dark backgrounds; this reflects the style of music that the magazine is about. The font used is unusual which reflects the radical image that the audience feels that they have.  The cracks in the words represents how heavy metal is about destruction and bringing down the ‘man’, which appeals to the audience because they see themselves as against the traditionalists in society. Drop capitals and quotations from the text have been used to help focus the reader’s attention and to let them know where to begin reading.

The articles included in this magazine are pieces on specific bands, reviews on bands and gigs, as well as regulars such as music news and new releases. This content is all focused on the one genre appeals to a very specific audience who will buy this because they know that there will only be articles they want to read it.
Decibels’ media pack states that they don’t have readers they have believers and that it is the love of extreme metal that makes people buy the magazine. This would suggest a varied readership profile as music tastes vary from person to person. However, with 88% of their readership being males and 86% being white, there is a very clear profile of the person who reads decibel.  61% of their readers play an instrument and 77% own an iPod or music playing device, which shows that they like playing music, not just reading about it. Decibel is produced by a small company in Philadelphia that owns three other magazines, one focused on indie music and one environmental magazine.  It is only available to buy in six different outlets and is available in only six countries outside the US and Canada. International distribution is currently at 0.6%.

Kerrang Magazine

The masthead of Kerrang magazine is thick and bold. It changes colour from issue to issue, this represents the variety of rock styles that the magazine includes. The iconic font looks as if it has been smashed with a hammer; this connotes destruction and appeals to the rebellious nature of the target audience. The thickness of the masthead and the fact that it is sans serif connotes masculinity. Kerrang is also always written with an exclamation mark, this connotes excitement or maybe even anger. The exclamation mark also acts as a screamer, grabbing the reader’s attention from the off. When you put all of these features together they anchor each other down in to a masculine, rebellious, destructive ideal.
The images used on the front of Kerrang magazine are often comical in nature. This represents the less serious side of rock that is more pop-like, that the magazine writes about (for instance you me a six, who a regularly in the top 40.) This draws in readers who like the idea of being slightly less mainstream, by liking ‘rock music’.
The layout of the magazine cover rarely changes, this makes the magazine easy to spot when the readers look it. It also shows which bands the magazine will focus on that week, therefore if non-regular reader likes that particularly band, they will buy the magazine.


The double page spreads inside Kerrang magazine often feature short and snappy titles that are printed in large noticeable font in order to get people to read the articles when flicking through the magazine.
The use of a fire effect connotes anarchy against society, which applies to the audience who feel that 
they are radicalists. This is replicated with the statement ‘set the world on fire’. Layouting features such as drop capitals help the reader to navigate their way around. The quotation pulled from the text gives the reader an idea about what’s included in the article. Sometimes these quotations are controversial to pull the reader in.

The contents page of Kerrang magazine follows an identical styling throughout every issue. This appeals to their audience as they know what to expect each time they open the magazine. The layout is simple which makes it easy for the reader to scan and find what they’re looking for. The competition helps to sell the magazine as people will buy it to get a freebie. In the bottom corner of the magazine they have an advert telling readers that if they subscribe to the magazine they will get a free gift. By doing this the magazine creators increase the number of regular readers. The magazine keeps the colour scheme of red, black, white and yellow consistent, this stops the page from looking messy by only using a few colours, but it also uses contrasting colours to make things stand out and attract readers.
Kerrang magazine is owned by Bauer Media, Europe’s largest privately owned publishing group, it was started in Germany 136 years ago.  The company owns 300 magazines in 15 countries, as well as tv channels and radio stations. Kerrang has a readership of 404,000 and a mean age of 22, the gender split of the magazines is 59% male, 41% female.

How the research is going to affect my magazine.
After researching these two magazines I have decided on the following features to include in my magazine:
I will use a distressed font for my masthead, as this will show the nature of the music that I am going to include in my magazine. I will make my masthead thick and bold as both magazine have done this. However, because my magazine is aimed at females I will use white for my masthead colour, to bring some femininity to it. I may use an exclamation mark like Kerrang to grab my reader’s attention.
I will use serious images like the ones in Decibel Magazine as the main genre of music is closer to the genre featured in Decibel than the ones featured in Kerrang. As my models will be female, this serious stance will oppose the dominant ideology that women should be timid and ladylike.
Inside my magazine I will be sure to use drop capitals and quotations pulled from my text as both magazines have used these features in their layouts.
Finally I will use effects such as fire or smoke to make my models seem more mysterious and to add to the aesthetics of the magazine by livening it up. 

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Main Task

We are to create a front cover, contents page and double page spread of a new music magazine. 

Monday 15 October 2012


The purpose of doing research was to find out what makes a good magazine front cover, to find common conventions on college magazines and to get ideas on how to layout my cover. From my research I learnt that many college magazine mastheads are bold, in a sans serif font and mostly thick. However, I also noticed that many of these mastheads also had a quirk to them which added a lighter touch to the cover. I used this technique with my own masthead, using a simple font for most of the words but than using a different font for the first letter of each word. I also took inspiration from the magazines that I looked at for my cover’s layout. By taking the layouts of other magazines and changing them to fit my audience and style, I ended up with a more professional feel to my magazine.

Another purpose of the research was to investigate which target audience I should target. After looking at many different types of magazine, I chose to aim my magazine at females in the 16-19 age bracket. The research helped me to figure out what colour scheme I should use, the types of font that I should use and the type of model that I should use. 

The purpose of producing this front cover and contents page was to prepare myself for the main task, so that I can make any mistakes now and learn from them before I do my final piece. I have never used InDesign before, so by doing this preliminary task I have had chance to gain some skills on the program before I start my main task.

While making my front cover I have learnt many new techniques on Photoshop. I have learnt how to use the stroke tool to outline my text; this makes them stand out more clearly from the rest of the page. It also means that I can keep closer to my original colour scheme because I don’t have to worry about the words showing up against the background. I have also learnt about the stained-glass effect in the filter gallery. I have used this to liven up the background of a coverline without making it too busy. Other tools that I have used while making my front cover are, the blur tool (To make my model blend into the background better), the healing brush (To remove blemishes from my model) and the quick selection tool (To cut around my model so that I could use an original background). 

While making my contents page I have learnt new skills on InDesign.  I have used the colour swatches tool to create a new colour scheme for use on my contents page. This was useful because it meant I could ensure continuity between my cover and my contents page. I also learnt how to place images from Photoshop into my contents page, and how to rotate my images and text slightly to create an edgier look.

Three targets that I am going to set myself with my main task are, to take a wider variety of photos for my cover, as I only had one good photo to work with on this task. This will give me more choice as to what photos I use in my final design. I will also set myself a target to learn even more digital techniques, such as how to change the lighting on photos, how to add colourings to photos and how to create more interesting shapes. This will help to make my magazine cover more exciting and original.  My third target is to include more magazine conventions on my front cover, such as a reversed out coverline. 

Finished Magazine Cover + Contents Page

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Appealing To My Target Audience.

The colour scheme of my magazine will include light pinks, whites and purples. The connotations of these colours are innocence, sophistication and calmness. The reason why I have chosen these colours is because my audience is females who are currently studying for their as-levels and a-levels. My audience are mainstreamers and therefore will like the use of more feminine colours on the magazine front cover as it represents the stereotypical idea of femininity. The colours won’t be bright as this gives a more sophisticated image; bright pink is seen as trashy whereas soft pinks are seen as lady-like. My audience would prefer softer colours as they are intelligent students wanting to go to university, they want to be respected and will appreciate more refined colours.

My model will be female as the magazine is aimed at females. She will also be a college student as my audience needs to feel that they can relate to the model on the front cover. She will be smiling, as I want a happy and cheerful vibe coming from my magazine. This will attract my audience as they want something light to read as a break from all the homework, they will also see her smiling face and think that it’s because of something she read in the magazine, making them more inclined to read it. My models make up and costume will be simple because I don’t want the cover to be overshadowed by what the model is wearing. Also there are a lot of different styles of dress in the college; I don’t want the magazine to look as if it’s targeting a specific dress style as this would put other girls off. By making the costume simple I can keep the magazine attracting all girls in the college. I plan to dress my model in a pink or white t-shirt; her make-up will consist of pinks and purples that match the colours of the fonts. Her hair will be down connoting a more laid-back feel.  

My masthead font will be thick and bold to replicate the seriousness of studying for a-levels. I will also add a quirk, such as two different fonts or a small image, to show the magazine’s softer side. This contrast of seriousness and fun will attract my audience as they want to do well and succeed so understand how much effort they have to put into their work, but they also want to have fun. I will try to replicate this in my masthead. I will also us a serif font. This will appeal to my audience as the extra flicks on the ends of words seem more feminine.

The language that I will use for my cover lines will be more formal. This is because my audience see themselves as adults and therefore my magazine will speak to them like adults. This will attract my audience because they will see the magazine as more mature then the teenager magazines about. 

Monday 1 October 2012

My Target Audience

Audience Profile
The readers of my magazine are 16-19 year old female students in the D or E category of the Jicnar scale. They are aspirers who want a career after leaving college. My magazine is aimed at students in the decision pending life-stage, as part of the magazine offers careers and university advice to students unsure of what to do when they leave college.
Most of my readers will be main-streamers. They are interested in the latest fashions, music and films. However, being students many won't have a job and if they do it won't be very well paid; because of this they want the best quality of living for the cheapest price. The magazine will cater to this and show the latest fashions for the cheapest price. This will be the main difference between my magazine and a general college magazine.
My audience are also in good health as they are young and attending college. They enjoy learning, play a sport of some kind and enjoy going on college trips. So my magazine will include sports updates from the college's female sports teams, such as the netball team and the girl’s football team, to appeal to the audience.
My audience are also traditionalists. They agree with the ideology that going to college then university, getting a good job, having a family is a good thing. Therefore my magazine will be mostly focused on  giving information related to these aspirations, there will also be small sections on items such as fashion to make sure that the magazine has some spark to it. 

16-19 Years Old
Decision pending
Good Health
 D or E category