Tuesday 2 October 2012

Appealing To My Target Audience.

The colour scheme of my magazine will include light pinks, whites and purples. The connotations of these colours are innocence, sophistication and calmness. The reason why I have chosen these colours is because my audience is females who are currently studying for their as-levels and a-levels. My audience are mainstreamers and therefore will like the use of more feminine colours on the magazine front cover as it represents the stereotypical idea of femininity. The colours won’t be bright as this gives a more sophisticated image; bright pink is seen as trashy whereas soft pinks are seen as lady-like. My audience would prefer softer colours as they are intelligent students wanting to go to university, they want to be respected and will appreciate more refined colours.

My model will be female as the magazine is aimed at females. She will also be a college student as my audience needs to feel that they can relate to the model on the front cover. She will be smiling, as I want a happy and cheerful vibe coming from my magazine. This will attract my audience as they want something light to read as a break from all the homework, they will also see her smiling face and think that it’s because of something she read in the magazine, making them more inclined to read it. My models make up and costume will be simple because I don’t want the cover to be overshadowed by what the model is wearing. Also there are a lot of different styles of dress in the college; I don’t want the magazine to look as if it’s targeting a specific dress style as this would put other girls off. By making the costume simple I can keep the magazine attracting all girls in the college. I plan to dress my model in a pink or white t-shirt; her make-up will consist of pinks and purples that match the colours of the fonts. Her hair will be down connoting a more laid-back feel.  

My masthead font will be thick and bold to replicate the seriousness of studying for a-levels. I will also add a quirk, such as two different fonts or a small image, to show the magazine’s softer side. This contrast of seriousness and fun will attract my audience as they want to do well and succeed so understand how much effort they have to put into their work, but they also want to have fun. I will try to replicate this in my masthead. I will also us a serif font. This will appeal to my audience as the extra flicks on the ends of words seem more feminine.

The language that I will use for my cover lines will be more formal. This is because my audience see themselves as adults and therefore my magazine will speak to them like adults. This will attract my audience because they will see the magazine as more mature then the teenager magazines about. 

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