Wednesday 24 October 2012

Casting & Shot Plan

I chose my models for my photo shoot yesterday. I have decided to use two models for my front cover and double page spread. 

The first model I have chosen is Elizabeth as I used her in my Preliminary task and she proved very willing and reliable. She also has hair that is easy to style which makes it easy to fit her look to the genre. She has agreed to take part in the photoshoot. 

The second model I have chosen is Adele. She already has clothes that suit the genre and is very reliable. Both her and Elizabeth will be on the front cover and the double page spread. She has agreed to take part in the photo-shoot.

The other model I will use is my sister Caitlin. She will appear as a thumbnail sized picture on the front cover and in the contents page, as another act featured in the magazine. She fits into my clothes which suit the genre. Caitlin has agreed to the photo-shoot. My sister has also asked her university friend, Kirsty, to take part in the photoshoot, and she has agreed.

My Shot List
Shot 1
Lizzi and Adele against a background of trees with arms folded or hands on hips looking directly at the camera.
Shot 2
Medium Close ups and Close ups of Adele and Lizzi against white backgrounds at my house.
Shot 3
Solo shots of Lizzi and Adele against white backgrounds
Shot 4
Medium close up of Caitlin against a white background with her hands on her hips.
Shot 5
Medium Close up of Kirsty against a blank background.

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