Monday 1 October 2012

My Target Audience

Audience Profile
The readers of my magazine are 16-19 year old female students in the D or E category of the Jicnar scale. They are aspirers who want a career after leaving college. My magazine is aimed at students in the decision pending life-stage, as part of the magazine offers careers and university advice to students unsure of what to do when they leave college.
Most of my readers will be main-streamers. They are interested in the latest fashions, music and films. However, being students many won't have a job and if they do it won't be very well paid; because of this they want the best quality of living for the cheapest price. The magazine will cater to this and show the latest fashions for the cheapest price. This will be the main difference between my magazine and a general college magazine.
My audience are also in good health as they are young and attending college. They enjoy learning, play a sport of some kind and enjoy going on college trips. So my magazine will include sports updates from the college's female sports teams, such as the netball team and the girl’s football team, to appeal to the audience.
My audience are also traditionalists. They agree with the ideology that going to college then university, getting a good job, having a family is a good thing. Therefore my magazine will be mostly focused on  giving information related to these aspirations, there will also be small sections on items such as fashion to make sure that the magazine has some spark to it. 

16-19 Years Old
Decision pending
Good Health
 D or E category 

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